Why you should never limit yourself to just one savings account

Blog_How multiple savings accounts can help you save better

如果你和大多数人一样,你一直在朝着一个财务目标努力. 也许是一辆新车,也许是一次阿拉斯加游轮,也许是一间小木屋. Unfortunately, as unexpected expenses pop up, it's so easy to reach into your savings pot to cover the costs.

If you're tired of stealing from future you, 试着把你的钱存入有针对性的储蓄账户,以达到特定的储蓄目标. 

This isn’t a new concept. Some call it bucket budgeting. Others call it the envelope system.

Of course, we choose to not take those words literally because, frankly, the act of putting more than $100 in an envelope, or Heaven forbid a literal bucket, sounds risky.

If you want a safe way to reach your goals faster, 通过信用合作社或十大网投官方入口开设多个储蓄账户可以改变游戏规则. 通过为你的每个短期储蓄目标设立一个储蓄账户, 你可以亲眼看到你为这个目标投入了多少钱. 由于复利,把钱投入到你的目标意味着更快地实现它们.

Opening multiple accounts is free and painless.

拥有多个储蓄账户是件好事——因为不像信用卡, opening multiple accounts doesn't affect your credit score. 例如,你可以在路易斯安那州联邦储蓄十大网投官方入口免费开设五个二级储蓄账户. 把这些钱和你的主要储蓄账户以及其他专业账户放在一起, like Christmas Club, 货币市场或股票证书(我们将在后面讨论这些), and suddenly you have all the savings buckets you need.


开设多个账户的最大原因是为了准确地追踪你为每个个人储蓄目标存了多少钱. If within the next 12 months you want to buy an RV, re-shingle the roof, and bring your family to the LSU season opener, 你可以为每一个目标开一个账户,一眼就能看出你离目标还有多远. 

Automated transfers help you pay yourself first.

每月设置自动储蓄转账可以十大网投官方入口摆脱麻烦和为避免储蓄而找的借口. Talk about an instant momentum builder. 

You'll trick yourself into saving more.

It's scientifically proven that the human brain strongly dislikes saving money. 对你的每个目标都有一个账户,这是一个有效的行为技巧,可以让你讨厌的大脑保持一致. 例如,如果你从一个通用的储蓄账户中取出钱,你会觉得钱不多. But if you see that it's labeled “vacation,,你的大脑就会意识到这损害了你未来旅行的机会,并迫使你思考你失去了什么.

如果从你的储蓄账户中花钱的诱惑太强烈, 把指定的钱放在更远的地方,保护自己免受自己的伤害. 不,我们不是在说把你的钱藏在阁楼里(尽管你可以尝试)。. Instead, try opening an account that’s more difficult to access.

  • A money market account 限制你每月可以取多少钱,并给你比传统储蓄账户稍好的利率.
  • A share certificate is great for goals that will take more than six months to reach. 有了这个账户,你对资金的使用将受到限制,但从长远来看,你会看到更好的回报:这是对你耐心的回报. 

Related article: The practical way to reach your financial goals: Share Certificates

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How many savings accounts should I open?

根据我们的经验,拥有4到7个指定账户是最佳选择. Different people have different obligations and dreams, but if you're just starting out, we recommend the following account lineup.

1. Fun money account

Account type: Primary savings


­­存钱并不总是需要成年人做出负责任的决定. Saving up to buy something you want can feel like a real win. You have our permission: Create an account for fun stuff. 每当你在月底有剩余的现金时,把它扔进你的娱乐钱账户. 这样,你就可以买到你想要的东西而不会感到任何悔恨.

2. Emergency fund

Account type: Secondary savings

Strategy: Deposit money and forget about it

You’ve heard the old adage “what can go wrong, will go wrong.“当事情出现问题时,重要的是要留出资金作为安全网. 开一个储蓄账户,专门用于不可预知的紧急情况. 充实你的账户,直到余额可以支付至少三个月的生活费. If you’re lucky, you’ll never have to touch it.

3. Travel and vacation savings

Account type: Secondary savings

Strategy: Drain and refill

Traveling is expensive. Whether you’re planning a relaxing vacation, or a flight to Cleveland to attend your cousin’s wedding, 你的目标应该是设定一个预算,直到你有足够的钱为止. 即使你已经旅行了,也要继续把钱存入这个账户,以备将来的冒险.

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4. Home and auto expenses

Account type: Secondary savings

Strategy: Build and use when needed

在未来的某个时候(也许真的),意想不到的汽车和房屋维修将会出现. You don’t know how much it’ll cost or when it’ll happen, but you know these types of expenses are inevitable. 当你的冰箱突然停止运转或发动机失灵时,这个账户是你的救星. We recommend having at least $2,在任何时候,您都可以在这个帐户中记录000,以便您可以在问题发生时立即解决问题.

5. The BIG goal

Account type: Secondary savings or share certificate

Strategy: Stack that money, rinse, and repeat

Whether your goal is to buy a house, attend college, purchase Saints season tickets, or finally get that boat you've wanted, 为你的大目标指定一个账户,可以十大网投官方入口朝着实现梦想的方向迈出具体的一步,同时为其他费用留出空间. 为目标设定一个截止日期,并计算你每月可以存多少钱来实现这个目标. 在达到目标金额之前,不要急于从这个账户中取钱.

6. Holiday savings

Account type: Christmas Club

Strategy: Drain and refill

Every year Christmas approaches very quickly. Open a savings account just for holiday spending. We recommend using a Christmas Club 考虑到这个目标,因为它将资金锁定到11月1日. Decide on an amount you can afford to put aside from each check. It doesn’t have to be a lot. 即使你每周节省10美元,在假期里也要花520美元. You may want to set up automatic transfers to force responsibility, because admittedly, saving for the holidays in April feels weird. 

Check out our Christmas Club rates.


By building a comfortable savings nest through multiple accounts, 没有搁置梦想,你就能更好地为生活的曲线球做好准备. 

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