Planning the perfect low-cost vacation in Louisiana

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一个美好的假期并不一定要坐飞机或周游全国. When thinking about your summer vacation, 考虑一次经济实惠的自驾游,去附近你可能忽略的地方.

We recently sat down with Buddy Boe, 河教区旅游委员会的执行董事,路易斯安那州副州长的前高级顾问和通讯主任, 要讨论最经济实惠的一日游,“靴子”必须提供. During this chat, 巴迪回答了观众的问题,并提供了如何在不倾家所有的情况下计划一个美好的假期的内幕建议.

Watch the full Q&观看下面的视频或继续滚动阅读浓缩版.


Hi Buddy!

Good afternoon.

当你想到路易斯安那州的旅游业时,新奥尔良市自然会浮现在许多人的脑海中. 但如果我想冒险出去看看我们州能提供什么, 你建议我从哪里开始?我需要多少钱才能实现?


目前,路易斯安那州中等价位酒店的平均房价约为每晚76美元. That's the average. If you want to plan a three-day trip for your family, for $150 - $175, you've got a hotel room for two nights. After that it's really based on your budget.

对于那些想花1000美元到1500美元周末旅行的人,我建议去看看 and browse their list of 2-3 day sample itineraries. About a third of the activities listed are free. We have several biking trails. We have several walking trails. 我们有几个完全免费的户外空间和休闲区.

All of our attractions are moderately priced, ranging from $10 to $25 per person, depending on the attraction that you want to go to. There's fine dining at Ormand Plantation in Destrehan and roadside cooking at Gonzo's Smokehouse in Luling. 你可以在河边的教区呆上三天,花费不到1000美元.

The Gumbo Group 编制了一份行程清单,涵盖了路易斯安那州东南部的10个教区. 如果你在靴子的脚趾或中间的任何地方, many of those locations are only an hour or two away. 

If you want to venture further than that, covers great vacation spots across the entire state. 你可以很容易地花几个小时看他们列出的所有景点. 

Or, just keep it simple and stick to the byways. 路易斯安那州有很多风景优美的小路,每一条都有自己独特的魅力.

Here are some of my favorite Louisiana byways.


TOLEDO Vacation spot


Photo courtesy of flickr/Jarrel Jimmerson.




If you're looking to save money, 我建议充分利用那些你可以开着汽车或房车去的地方. We have lots of campgrounds throughout Louisiana. We have tons of state parks where you can park your RV, and we have low cost, 但是高质量的酒店沿着州际公路和主要高速公路遍布全州.

As far as destinations go: Take advantage of museums. They exist in nearly every little town across the state. You've probably driven right past them without even noticing. For example, there's the River Road African American Museum in Donaldsonville, the Britney Spears Museum in Kentwood and the Italian Cultural Museum in Independence.

The Historic Riverlands Christian Center 《十大网投官方入口》讲述了种族隔离结束后,一座专为非裔美国人建造的教堂的故事, 以及那些被奴役的人对音乐史和今天音乐流派的影响. For less than $15 per person, 你可以用一个下午的时间让你的孩子学习黑人历史, 民权历史和音乐史都集中在一个地方.

无论你的家庭预算是500美元,还是5000美元,我们的州都有适合每个人的东西. 从新奥尔良的五星级丽思卡尔顿酒店到阿查法拉亚沼泽盆地的船屋, there are amazing experiences all over Louisiana.

Let's say you wanted to get fancy and spend a night at the Nottoway Plantation. Well, right up the road on Highway 20 is Spuddy's Cajun Cooking Experience 老斯巴达教你怎么做面糊、秋葵汤和什锦饭. Your clothes will smell like smoked andouille for days. It's great!

What's a nice romantic getaway in Louisiana?


你可以在纳奇托奇、圣弗朗西斯维尔市中心、蒂博多和拉斐特找到浪漫的去处. 找一家不错的住宿加早餐酒店,住在那里,在那些历史悠久的城镇里走走,真正地逃离.

Natchitoches Louisiana Cane Bridge

The Cane River in Natchitoches.


If you want a little bit more adventure, rent a cabin in a state park, or go buy a cheap tent online and sleep under the stars. Build a campfire, bring graham crackers, 棉花糖和巧克力——你和你的爱人有了一个s'mores的约会. You don't need to fly to Tennessee or Denver for that. The northern portion of our state is gorgeous. The hills are absolutely stunning. The Kisatchie National Forest 是联邦政府保护的国家森林,你可以在那里过夜或周末露营吗.

How about a kayaking tour on Lake Martin with birds flying in the air at sunset. 这大概是你在美国能找到的最浪漫的地方了——从我现在坐的地方开车两个半小时就能找到.

晚上出去玩,你可以去查尔斯湖、什里夫波特、巴吞鲁日或新奥尔良的赌场. 很多酒店房间的价格都很合理,而且它本身就是一个旅游目的地.



我认为折扣会通过旅游公司来实现,比如 Beyond the Bayou Tours 他们会帮你安排旅行套餐,因为他们已经谈好了. Otherwise, 网上提供的通常是所有这些在线平台协商的折扣价格.

The discounts are out there. Every destination, every attraction, 每个住宿合作伙伴都渴望生意,并准备接待游客.

如果你需要休息一下,就从看看我们州提供的所有伟大的目的地开始吧. They need your business; they need your support. 他们需要大量的员工来维持营业. Go out there and make memories. 我向你保证,我们的酒店业和旅游业将张开双臂欢迎你.


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