

With gas prices at an all-time high, is now the time to buy an electric vehicle?

If you're thinking of making the leap to electric, here's what you need to know. 



The most obvious and prominent advantage of owning an electric vehicle is saving on fuel costs. Driving a car that runs on electricity instead of gasoline means saving money on a large expense category of your budget, 月复一月. 当然,汽油的成本越高,你节省的就越多. Right now, with most drivers experiencing pain at the pump, going electric is more popular than ever. Another budgeting bonus to consider is the fact that electricity costs tend to be far more stable than gasoline prices.


Another well-known advantage of driving an electric-powered car is the environmental benefits. Lower fuel emissions means a smaller carbon footprint on the environment, 这总是一件好事.


然而,电动汽车的另一个优势是其优越的效率. EVs can convert more than 77% of their electric energy to power their wheels. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, gas-powered cars can only convert 12-30% of the fuel stored in their gas tanks into driving power.


There are several disadvantages to owning an EV to be aware of before making a purchase.


随着汽油价格的上涨,对电动汽车的需求也在增加. 根据electrification.com,估计 等待新电动汽车的时间 2022年可能跨越五个月到两年.


这一点很重要 that the battery of every EV may need replacement sometime down the line. Federal regulations require automakers to cover the battery of their vehicles for a minimum of eight years or 100,000英里, 先到者为准. 一些汽车制造商还覆盖电池退化, 哪一种情况下,充满电的电池续航里程比预期要少. 然而, 如果电池在保修期过后没电, 更换它的费用, 哪个可以从5美元起,000元及16元,000, 需要由业主投保吗. 好消息是, 因为电动汽车越来越受欢迎, they are also becoming less expensive to manufacture and the prices of their parts are decreasing as well. 除了, automakers are working to manufacture EVs with batteries that last longer than most drivers will own the vehicle.


Another disadvantage to owning an EV is being limited in the number of miles you can drive before you will need to recharge your vehicle. 充满电后可以行驶的里程数, 也被称为车辆的范围, 会因车而异吗. 大多数电动汽车的平均续航里程为250英里. While this will cover most people’s daily commute, road-tripping in an EV will take some planning. 幸运的是, 随着电动汽车变得越来越普遍, finding a charging station on a major highway is becoming a non-issue. 然而, 如果你打算开着你的电动汽车进行多次公路旅行, you may want to purchase a car that is capable of fast charging so you don’t have to spend hours at a charging station every few hundred miles on your trips.




考虑购买插电式混合动力汽车. 混合动力车是两全其美, 将电动机和汽油发动机组合在一起, eliminating any worries you have about not being able to find a charging station when you need one.

There are many affordable hybrids out there, with prices starting under $24,000. 


  • 2022年现代Ioniq•23,600美元
  • 2022年丰田卡罗拉混合动力车•23,750美元
  • 2022年现代伊兰特混合动力车•24,100美元
  • 2022年本田雅阁混合动力车•27,685美元
  • 2022年丰田凯美瑞混合动力车•27,980美元



  • 2022款福特马弗里克混合动力车•21,490美元
  • 2022年丰田Tundra iForce Max•52,300美元
  • 2022年福特F-150 Powerboost Hybrid•8万美元



  • 2022年丰田RAV4混合动力车•32,260美元
  • 2022年现代途胜混合动力SEL•33,645美元
  • 2022款福特翼虎SE混动FWD车型售价31,680美元
  • 2022年本田CR-V混合动力全轮旅行车•39045美元




是的,你可以在家里给电动汽车充电. 晚上插上电源,第二天早上就可以用了. 这样方便吗?

然而, 在订购特斯拉之前, it’s good to be aware that the standard 110-volt wall outlet (Level 1 charging) is relatively slow, 每小时增加大约4英里的航程. If you depleted a full 250 miles of range, it can take several days to fully recharge your vehicle. 如果你要在外面给车充电的话, be sure to verify your charging cord is designed for outdoor use.

Most EV owners hire an electrician to install a 240-volt outlet in their garage. This allows for Level 2 charging, which can add 25 miles of range per charging hour. 一定要得到一个可靠的报价,以了解这种工作的成本.


电虽然比煤气便宜得多,但也不是免费的. Charging an EV at home is typically less expensive than charging it at a public charging station – unless, 当然, 你会找到一个罕见的免费公共充电站. 除了, 通宵充电, or on the weekend will cost less than charging it at peak times, 比如工作日的下午和晚上. You may want to reach out to your utility company to learn exactly what it’ll cost you to charge your vehicle. Some companies offer special plans for EV owners, so be sure to inquire about that as well.


拥有电动汽车的一大好处是维护成本更低. 电动机的活动部件比汽油发动机少. This makes EVs far easier to maintain than their gas-powered counterparts. 除了, 许多汽车零件, which generally need replacing after a while – like spark plugs, 滤清器和机油——与电动汽车无关. This means fewer trips to the mechanic and significantly lower maintenance costs.


All the convenience and long-term savings of an EV comes at a high price, and most of them have a higher starting cost than gas-powered cars. 当然, 有一个很大的范围, 从售价仅为27美元的日产Leaf开始,400美元,一直到58美元的特斯拉Model 3,990.

Fortunately, there are many government-sponsored incentives for purchasing an electric car. 这些激励措施是由联邦政府提供的, 州和地方政府层面, so be sure to see what’s available before completing your purchase. 这一点很重要, 虽然, that many of these incentives are not open to every buyer and every kind of EV. 例如, 最著名的激励, 联邦合格PEV税收抵免, 哪一款最高能卖到7美元,合格电动汽车的建议零售价低500美元, 只适用于前100名吗,000 EVs an automaker manufacturers and is no longer available for the purchase of any Teslas.


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